We do projects.

“Our mission is to advance humanity through the democratization of supercomputing technologies, and to accelerate the advent of clean energy so human advancement can flourish into the future.”

We Revolutionize How Projects Are Financed.

Avaris Inc. is a project development and finance company.

We have the vision and capability to combine our innovative technology networks with key investment partners to develop large-scale projects.  Our economic business model within our supercomputing and clean energy divisions are set up to scale at pace internationally.

We connect with investment groups to partner with innovative supercomputing and clean fuel technology projects, to facilitate 100% project financing.

To build large scale projects and create a more beautiful world.

Dream it.

The Avaris strategic planning delivery process integrates every project aspect, creating a comprehensive blueprint aligned with a fully risk mitigated project. Within our proprietary project solution, we bridge the gap between financing with our investment partners, to build and scale innovative investment-grade technology projects.

Build it.

We use innovation, research and evidence to guide our business activities. By blending this with modern facilitation techniques, we deliver creative and practical solutions to build large scale projects. Our methods are not only visionary but also grounded in reality.

Own it.

At Avaris, our focus is on creating opportunities that benefit our equity partners well into the future with every project we embark on. Central to our mission is ensuring that our partners have ownership stake in large-scale development projects.

Join with us today in revolutionizing clean energy & supercomputing projects on a global scale.